Ryan Yeaton

Ryan Yeaton

LPL Registered Representative

I have always had a heart for those seeking direction born out of my faith in Christ, and during my 2 terms as an active duty Marine, my time as a non-commissioned officer provided me with the opportunity to become very familiar with the lives of the Marines under my charge and what they struggled with. Together, with this experience and my faith, I began to discover a passion for seeking to understand people's core concerns, and then help them find and implement suitable solutions. Today, I use those same skills and drive to help families determine their goals and implement strategies that put them on the path toward financial confidence.

I decided on this career after leaving the Corps because it allows me to directly reach those seeking this kind of guidance, as early as I can. My goal is to help remove the confusion and mystery that surrounds investing and managing your financial life – such as retirement income streams, long-term wealth building, life insurance, long-term care, self-funded pension strategies, and how all these things work together to develop the bigger financial picture as it pertains to long-term strategies. As I better understand what each person seeks to gain from their financial assets, I see how many people are severely missing out on profound, life-changing opportunities – and discovering freedom through more efficient financial strategies than what conventional wisdom offers.

That's why YFG’s approach begins with the end in mind. If you don't know where you're going or what you want to accomplish financially, then any strategy looks good and you're really just meandering from one thing to another. We seek first to fully understand your personal financial end state before we ever look at solutions, and then we work diligently to ensure that the financial strategies we provide will help you work toward the goals you’ve set for yourself. 

We consider it as a personal honor to work with anyone of any age who is serious about putting themselves on a path to the results they want; after all, you’re really never too young or too old to start yourself on a more efficient financial course. But, the earlier you start, the greater the impact on the quality of your retirement life because, when you have more options for income later on, you further fortify the stability of your financial future.